I agree - looks like a euphorbia, and they do self seed a lot. If there's a milky sap, watch out Dave, if it's a euphorbia, it could cause a few...
It's a horrible thing to have happened, whoever the people involved. Colin McRae's fame won't have helped him or his family at all - they're just...
AG, we had a pet one too, in Hemel, found him byt the canal, in the winter, all covered in snow - and we called him Smokey too - can't think why!!...
Love it, Walnut!!! :D :D :DProbably gunnii, though.... here's some pics to see what you think...
Believe me, nothing works at deterring rabbits - you just have to keep them out. They even ate conifers and lavender here! :eek:
You'll need to reinforce any hedge with loads of chicken wire, Howard!Seriously, we had a major problem too, and ended up fencing in the garden,...
Pulmonarias and bergenias would work well there too, Andy, not to mention the dreaded ivy! :eek:Do you have space for higher things like...
Trouble is, the God always wants it back...... :rolleyes: (Unless it's one of those Greek ones, like Dionysus.... and you wouldn't much want it!)
I don't like using weed-killer and generally dig up everything, David. If you start by using loppers, secateurs and hedge-clippers, you'll get...
On the whole I prefer to take lots of cuttings of plants I want to move, and take them instead, leaving the parent behind. It saves a lot of...
Mr D is my other half - sorry about the confusion - guess it's that signature line......He's doing a big charity walk for MSF next spring, so...
re Wisteria - pruning of old ones that need lots of renovation shouldn't be done until it's very cold, so the sap isn't rising - but now is good...
Hi, LoL! Don't think hardwood cttings will work for mine here - not the way I generally do them, sticking them in the garden and forgetting them...
IS it in a pot? If so, immerse that in water for a while, then it might pick up. I assume it's a Hakuro nishiki? This happened to one I gave to...
I thought I was going to get seed fom mine earlier this year, but it didn't happen :(If anyone has seeds it would be Chiltern Seeds...
I wear stretch black jeans and a top with "hidden support" so I don't have those bra straps getting in the way, but don't look like Charlie D!...
If you know somebody with a landy and chains, that would shift them - I've seen it done, and it's very effective - and quick! :D
Looking fantastic, Barra! Give yourself a pat on the back you thoroughly deserve it! [img] [img] [img]
Hi, Vonny! Welcome! You'll get more answers to your question if you put it in the general gardening section - people tend to just say Hi in here!...
Just wondering if you've got a very tough sort of grass, Cattwoman - I mean, seriously! :D If it's really resistant to being flattened, it'll...
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