Thanks. I'll try both of these. The engine normally hunts a little when in use, normally when not mowing. I change the oil every year and the...
Got 2/3 of the way through cutting the lawns today and the mover revs dropped slowly and then the mower stalled.Pull the chord and it started...
The lights look great. Lighting adds a magical quality to a gardenWe have a number of lights at floor level at the back of the house that light...
I seem to get daily scam emails from HMRC, Banks and scammers who claim to have access to my webcam and have incriminating footage of me (I don't...
I'm hoping that our grape vines put on some good growth this year. Planted in the middle of last years scorcher and slowly coming back to life
Second year in the ground and the Clianthus is looking good[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Whats not quite looking good in May. Hopefully these will be in full flower soon. Cheating a bit as they are still in the tunnelFlies are...
Had a weekend of planning to get as much out of the tunnel as we could. Potted up a lot of tubs, ready to go outside in the next week or so....
This year Ive grown red bugloss and pink fountain. Sowed them on seed compost with a thin covering of compost and they have germinated really...
Ive used these and had good germination. Some may be ebay sellersWorld Wonders GardensSeedaholicPlant World SeedsRS Seeds
Hmmmmm … favourite tropical plant. A lot of what we grow is more hardy with a tropical look. I like structural plants so palms, cycads, yuccas...
I haven't protected these at all which frustrates my friend who gave us the plant. He cant get them through the winter. I think its the free...
Yep - its a yuccaThe lower leaves will die back and new leaves form in the crown. Over time it will form a trunkSome leave the old leaves on...
I think its happy due to being on free draining soil. We've given them no winter protection
I'll give it a go …1. How did you come to join Gardeners Corner? Last year, in our apartment on a rainy day I was on the laptop and decided to...
Now in its third year, this echium has decided that its time to flower.The growth rate of the spike is impressive.Thought Id start a weekly...
Greenhouses are like fish ponds. You get a small one and quickly realise that you really wanted a bigger one.The area you have to plant up is...
Dab them with meths or isopropyl alcohol.
Agree that a cheap or free greenhouse would be useful for growing cuttings and seeds.We started growing hardy tropical seeds last year and have...
I used them in March this year for Aloe polyphylla seeds. Arrived quickly enough and all seeds germinated
Separate names with a comma.