Lovely photos - and I share your love of winter aconite. Mine are spreading quite nicely - and seem, like snowdrops to shrug off the ++++ snow...
Hi Dave. I too have never seen anything like that before. I can not think of one British bird or indeed mammal that would build such a structure....
For me - its ordinary paper envelopes - or with large seed heads, paper bags. Helps the seed finish drying, and keep dry , so no need for silica... Me, I think I'll stay home:)
From Bonnie's reactions at dusk I am certain you are right Marley. However, you should just see the mess on my flowers and plants from the dust...
Marley - I'm with you on that. If ever I get a lorra money - I'd like to set up an infra red camara and see just what is going on. With the...
Wow - cute they certainly are - lucky you both to have them, spot them and photo them. Congratulations.
Well I am a bit of a night bird - so as longs as its before 1.0 I may well be still up. Bonnie may not hear too good, but his sense of smell is...
Tonight when taking my dog out last thing - fortunately on an extendable lead cos a) I don't want him disturbing nocturnal visitors and b) as he's...
Me I was with Beeb Net for a couple of years til they closed down. Reliable but slow - advantage easy connection and talk to tech support and...
For a small ish plant that flowers for months right through to autumn, self seeds and flowers in the first season. Grows to about 9" high ish....
Couldn't get F. Magellanica variegata to do well - wherever I grew it. Same with Ricarttonii - dunno why. They just didn't grow very big. Maybe I...
Walnut is spot on with this one. I have a number of plants and shrubs doing the same thing. I noticed it more this year, but then last year was...
Daisybelle - at Waterperrie they use twigs laid high across the crowns of things like delphs and etc. Looks most unnatural in early spring but by...
In my mind - I agree with Roders, underplanting just detracts from the roses and they are hungry feeders - just a mulch to set them off - but I am...
So do I. My father grew fuchsia magenallica, which he brought back from Ireland (I hope I got the spelling right). I tried to get it - but could...
Wonderful - I hope that I manage to get a picture soon. Last night the dog detected his smell again from the open patio door, and my neice and I...
Mmmm, I guess I'm a lucky rose grower then. Each spring as new shoots and buds appear - the greenfly appear, and coat both - and I look forward to...
<'Propagation illegal without a licence'> I read as propagation for sale/ profit. I have no problem with propogating for personal use (except for...
Mmm, the most unobtrusive support I've seen is the use of twiggy hazel for the plants to grow through - but not for the big ones like tree...
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