Rosa - I wouldn't worry too much about the mud. I learnt with my previous cavaliers that taking them out in the wet or whenever meant they came...
Cast iron plant stands???
I have two vigorous climbers which are part shade by an old lilac. Clematis montana and honeysuckle - both seem not to mind it being a tad shady.
Hi Karen and welcome. You said that something is eating your garden. Any idea what - or if not, what is it eating? A bit more information and we...
By all means, pm me your e-mail address and I'll send you the original. I have tried to enlarge - but it just lost focus. Remember most of the...
As an adendum - as photobucket resized the cropped picture. Herewith a small crop of the picture - which hopefully it hasn't downsized.[img]
So the concensus is a buzzard - I'll let you know what the RSPB says. They have the original picture which is a little clearer - and confirm there...
I seem to remember a similar shrub that looked like a holly but with much smaller leaves - members here said it was a Berberis.Is this the same??
Kinda a weird day today.1. I was checking out one of my 12v lights (contained upright lantern) which was not working. Thought the connection...
Good to hear, but so sorry for your daughters friends.Hopefully ater this weekend the worse will be over, and we can all relax and get on with...
Pal I hope your garden is intact - wonderful picture and I remember previous pictures.Having seen the devastation in some areas I got my fingers...
wonderful pictures and not an umbrella in sight [img]
During the hot dry April we had, I saw quite a few butterflys - red admiral, peacock, gatekeeper, yellow brimstone - but its been so wet since I...
Add to the list Trellisick - and Heligan is worth two visits - a truly magical place.Tiarella - you just woke a memory. I went to St Mawes on...
LOL . Its only flowered for me once after a few years - and sadly did not set seed that time. I have hopes that the dryer, more sheltered spot...
I would agree - quite something.
wonderful to hear that your views accord with mine and indeed the coucils. I made a complaint to the council - whose officer reacted in much the...
LOL - wow another person growing Sesbania. I brought one back from Florida - grown from seed. When it got to big for the greenhouse I put it into...
The weather was very dry in April, wet in May and continueing - but the ground was very dry to start with. I even have signs of powdery mildew on...
Really strikes a chord. Neat sculpture - which a lorra people will identify with - now if it had been zip open at both ends, would have doubled...
Separate names with a comma.