I agree with David, most all plants I like, weeds and all - bar two. Ground elder and field bindweed - both pretty plants but not in my garden :mad:
Very much an after dark visitor normally Nick - though I have seen them during the day occassionally - and how often do you stroll your garden...
Thalia used to be seen as a plug - but not any more, here tooo. Dunno why. Fortunately I still have one from a couple of years back that acts as...
If I spot him again - will try and get a piccie. As they usually follow quite regular patterns of visits - its just a case of when
I must admit to preferring Thalia to Koralle - I like the purple veining to the leaf, and the more scarlet blooms. I put both in the border -...
I was given membership in the late 90's by a visiting american friend. Kept it up for three reasons - 1) the magazine once a month is both...
My cav who has not the sharpest of hearing started barking this evening - so I went to investigate. Found my most favourite garden visitor - and...
Lovely picture - and most unusual feeder.
an example of
Pete - yes that looks like Thalia - more purple tinge to the leaves than Koralee, which has a greener leaf and a redder flower. This from books...
and flares but
Like most fuchsias, Peter they take easily from soft or even hard wood cuttings (more reliable than tip cuttings) - even with flower buds on. So...
Found it - thanks Walnut I'll give 'em a ring and see if they got any left.
I'll leave you to
As an addendum - with the cold april and wet may, roses have tended to make a lot of growth, and with a young plant, that will be green and...
I'm with Dorset Mike - whilst happy to buy plants on line - not roses. I like to see the stems and foliage before buying if buying container...
I would check to see if they are still alive - go down to the base of the plant - and with your thumb nail scape a little bark away - if its...
Beautiful pictures - and smashing plants. I would love some in my garden, but doubt they would do well in my clay.
Russion vine :eek:. I made the mistake once of planting one - it went mad, smothered everything in sight. Took me months to get rid of it - never...
To that list I would add snowdrops, winter aconite, and anemone blanda. Many years ago my parents lived in Bromley and had six of the Bromley...
Separate names with a comma.