Pal, just what e-mail were you reading. Johnson Blue indeed!!! The Geranium is Geranium Sibericum - one of my favourites, as it forms such a...
Be careful that you have made clear to the vendors that your house sale excludes the plants you want to take with you . I do hope you are not...
I tend to leave mine til most of the flowers are faded. It does mean that it takes longer for the new shoots to appear, but I like to enjoy the...
For those of you that have Norton 2007 and are concerned that pop up exclusion and add exclusion does seem to be present then there is a free add...
Then in that case, pop it in the shed. Tip check under the leaves for white fly when you tip it out of its old compost, and if you see any wash...
I was well impressed with both the site and the advise I got from the firm when purchasing a wedding present pair of binoculars for my neice -...
Most trees that provide you with seasonal interest are deciduous - and will not cope well with drought and limited attention in a container. They...
I concurr with David, especially the second one. That is definitly a Dendrobium - I have one sitting on my kitchen windowsill, just about to...
I would strongly suggest that you don't put them in the shed if there is no light there straight after potting. They need to recover - close...
Purple patches on fuchsia leaves are usually a sign of stress - leaves yellowing and falling could mean that the plant has become too wet. I doubt...
I too have gone for the dwarf variety for the same reason. Mind I also have been successful in getting my little wild wall flower to grow from...
Your photo software should allow you to do this, as part of the "save as" function. Click save as, and then in the file format box, select gif....
The only problem with leaving too many leaves on the beds over winter, is that they become an excellent hide for snails, slugs etc - and can give...
Here too - its routine before mowing the lawn, to walk round kicking the bits back into touch :D They seem to like the big back bits rather...
Should be fine in cold - I have one in a container and it has survived frost, snow and ice for the last two years.You don't say whether its in...
I enjoyed the few hours we had of sun shine - but left early cos the rain was just too persistant and cold. Went to Norfolk but I took the rain...
I hope they pick up - let us know how they do eh. The test will be if they bud up and flower next spring.
I look forward to hearing what she says.Off to the Lakes for a few days - a bit chilly, but looks OK weatherwise after today.
Just leave them be for now. Weigelias like sun, or partial shade - and no the leaves aren't burning unless your watering overhead at midday :D...
Yes it is - didn't your recognise it? :D
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