We're hoping to go away camping tomorrow, possibly for up to a fortnight, so really I should be packing etc now! However, won't be around for a...
Good grief - I did it! :eek: Totally unexpected!!! Quite enjoyed it, as seemed to actually know some of the answers!! Time not great - blame...
Aha - thankyou shiney! :) Didn't look hard enough! Science and technology today - eeeeek! Moyra - expecting you to get a 10!!:D ...here goes...
Hi and welcome! Your garden and location sound really interesting - have a look on the wildlife section on here, you'll feel right at home! :)
True spudbristol, hadn't considered them! I love forgetmenots - what don't you like about them Paul? (or shouldn't I get you started) :)
Good onya moyra and shiney!!! Moyra - where do you find all the scores on the doors? I know you can see the scores of the day, but where do you...
That's great! I'd love to have a jay visit the garden - you are lucky! :)
I've seen them in the garden centre borrowers - 'peaches and cream' they may have been called?
If you can bend down that far, it smells pretty sweet too!
Still no tenners today - I feel much better being a few steps further from the pits today!
The only 'upset' my son had as a child (falling into nettles apart) was when he and a wee friend picked the seed 'pods' off a euphorbia, and threw...
I bought an aconite at a car-boot a month or so ago, and now I know it can be invasive, will keep my eye on it, but if I get fabulous towering...
I love/love nasturtiums! But then, I don't grow them in baskets - I like them to grow up other plants and trellis etc. Anyway, I am certain I...
Have watched the clip over and over again tonight! My son likes it too, will forward it to others I think will appreciate it - how come we've...
Hi Mark, and welcome! Hope you find some answers, and enjoy your garden!
Wow Shiney - that first picture is amazing! there are some fantastic street artists out there! My son and I spend a day every summer watching...
It being Sunday tomorrow - there's bound to be a car boot sale near you! I bet someone still has something for sale that you could grow in your...
That is so impressive Kandy!!! You must produce enough fruit and veg to keep your whole neighbourhood going! Inspirational!
Welcome arkman! Agree wholeheartedly with what's been said above. It's a shame the old lady chose an unpleasant manner to inform you of the...
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