Am now searching for it...
I can? I'll need to find them first! Any ideas?
Ohhh Thankyou, and sorry - because I think this may be a slow process... I have downloaded the file (thankyou again) and found the 'extract...
Umm...I think so! It isn't in my font drop down list atall, and when I try to change to it on here, I can't. (I don't know much about this -...
I love comic sans! I made an enormous error the other day when I deleted the contents of our recycling bin, I inadvertantly erased my beloved...
My own method would be to take as many cuttings as possible. I'd take bits from as many different areas of the plant as poss. so as to increase...
1st. Feed Me Roders - roders Fits the bill completely 2nd. Touchdown - jjdecay Dramatic and different 3rd. Cat Mint - Shiney Love...
I'll sit in the middle!
Mike's really friendly - there's plenty room under his chair for more!
Wow - beautiful plants folks! Seeing your splendid specimen really brings home just how unhealthy mine is... [img] [img] [img] Thankyou...
Thanks walnut - I nearly understood that! (science not a strong point, but you put it well!) It is definitely a weird one - if not a 'true'...
I like herons too!
Nasturtiums don't need fed. they prefer poor soil, and will flower much better without feeding, which tends to encourage lush foliage in them,...
Oooo - just found it. Wish I hadn't! :p (good shout moyra with the new topic - will be an interesting one!)
CONGRATULATIONS moyra!!! Good game!!! (How do we find out where we came overall?) (actually, maybe I don't want to find out!):rolleyes:
I chose talk talk, though I actually signed up with onetel, who talk talk took over. No complaints, really good deal (£23.99 for broadband and...
You'll need to dig it out, rather than cut it back - it grows and spreads through tuberous roots.
(and probably also because the worms are working faster with the warmer weather!) Sounds like you've got it just right!:thumb:
Separate names with a comma.