Subject: European nations security alerts Date: Mon, 18 June 2007 11:48:49 -0700 Following increased security alerts many European nations are...
A polar bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender: "I'll have a Brandy...................................................
A baby camel asks his mother why have camels got big feet. "It's to stop us sinking in the sands of the desert" she replied. Later on he asked her...
Thanks D.W. As a rule I don't want early anything as we are over run with veg. It is just very annoying as with raised beds you plan against...
We in this country aren't the only ones to be bothered by officialdom and bureacracy regarding flooding as can be seen by the follow letter and...
I have 10 very large purple sprouting plants that are 4ft high. They were intended for early spring veg. One if them has begun to sprout and the...
While computers have many attributes,many of which I useOne of the saddest tales I've heard is a neighbour boasting that his three and four year...
Is it usual for between ten and twenty spots to appear on every leaf. PS thanks for the help so far. Together we could be dangerous
The problem is that I know this test proves me to be a genius but I can't remember why.
Orange spots on pear tree leaves which, because I did nothing about it last year, seem to have got worse. The spots are about .1 of an inch in...
Come on guys, you have to give me time to get back on form after the hols.
A guy gets on the bus with a pocket full of Golf Balls, he sits next to a Blonde Girl who starts to give him funny looks. Don't worry he says it's...
Why the h--l did I not think of that in my youth. Nice one.
Just a quick P.S. If you treat the stalks as you would for asparagus and serve with butter and salt they make a great starter.
Liverpool airport was closed today due to a suspicious car. A police spokesman said"We thought it was suspicious as it had tax, insurance, an...
The Tesco Doctor.One day, in line at the works cafeteria, Jack says to Mike behind him,"My elbow hurts like hell. I suppose I'd better see a...
Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age?Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old.Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own...
Two Irishmen were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up.A blonde walks by and asks what they are doing.Paddy: "We're supposed to...
But Marley, Thats the tenth time you have told that story. ( but it does improve)
Do not panic, have not started replying to myself, but would add the following. Suspect that the engine ingested water ... which can be terminal....
Separate names with a comma.