My son just found this horrible thing in a hole in his apple tree. It is about 5cms long so this pic is just a little larger than life-size....
Just to update: It is now a month since I put apples in with my potatoes and up to now there has only been one potato with a small shoot! So,...
European Union Directive No. 456179 In order to bring about further integration with the single European currency, the Euro, all citizens of...
I certainly do buy fresh veg etc - what's the problem with that at a self checkout? and 'unexpected item' if it should crop up is soon rectified....
I love the diy checkouts. I would go to them any day even if there are empty manned checkouts. Nothing annoys me more than inane chatter from...
Interesting replies - thanks. Mr C you say from the 70s??? well if that's the case I had better add it to the grandchildren's inheritance 'cos...
That's good to know Mr C - what sort of apple was it?
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Thanks whis4ey - I am not just wasting my time then. It will be interesting to see what it produces...
Last year I planted some pips from a Pink Lady apple and one is now healthy looking and 15" tall . If I plant it on to a large pot will it...
Now that I live on my own I find I have to throw quite a few potatoes away as they sprout before I get to using them. I googled and read that if...
Hi Pete - yes, afraid the time has come to admit we need help in the garden. I'm almost 81 and looking after Jack 24/7 so it doesn't leave a lot...
Ooo-er Clueless your neighbour's gardener sounds just the one I dont want to see. and Adendoll sounds like a good idea but going out anywhere is...
Thanks everybody. Your gardener sounds just what I am looking for Shiney,yours too Jo, and very sensible way of doing it but having a job to find...
OH is no longer able to do any gardening and unfortunately I am unable to do very much except light work so a decision has been made to find a...
Another question about Victoria Plum trees. As I have mentioned before I have an old Victoria Plum tree in my garden and it doesn't appear to...
Hi Pal Long time no see! You recognise it then? Couldn't let it disappear from GC! :imphrt: .
[IMG] The blossom on my very old Victoria Plum tree is almost like snow at the moment. If every flower produced a plum we would have a bumper...
Can I remove Random Photos strip at the top of the forum page? If so, how can I do it please? [IMG] .
Yes, we just cut small circles out of the grass to plant the new trees - copied the mature tree as the grass comes right to the trunk on that...
Dave -Your post was very informative and I am surprised that Armandii put 'disagree' without a short explanation but as you say it could have...
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