Hi Scorpio You must have a fair size garden to plant all those bulbs and they should make a lovely display when they grow. Our crocuses have...
Thanks Palustris - that's what I wanted to know :blue thumb: .
Tut Tut! hans that's not very nice :nonofinger:
Colchicum autumnale, autumn crocus, naked ladies - whatever we call them We have two clumps of autumn crocuses and they are a very pretty...
Happy Birthday Sis! 21 again? [IMG] .
[IMG] Today it's been really hot again here and still feeling very warm outside. Forecast for tomorrow is just a little cooler and sometimes a...
Thanks Aesculus and Shiney - just what I thought and it was probably the salesman who told grand-daughter that. She does design work which means...
Shiney Haven't bought any of these super cheap cartridges yet but I will do as soon as I need more ink but I offered to buy some for my...
This is exactly the reason I am not happy with telephone consultations. If the doctors knew me it would be different but as I am fairly new to the...
That sounds good Victoria. As I have only just registered with this dentist I shall have to see what they offer. If they have ultrasound cleaning...
Pete - know what you are saying about Dentists![IMG] I am trying to get a broken tooth extracted and a root canal done but dentist won't do it...
Not such a knackered grandad if you haven't had to see gp for 15 years!:snork:
Yep! realise that Clueless. Having worked 25 years as receptionist at Social Services I dealt with many confidential matters and very often child...
Not often I have time to post on GC although I do scan through now and again but I am so annoyed at the new 'improved' set up to get an...
Carl that looks good but like Shiney, and not doing a huge amount of printing, I would rather buy cheap cartridges for my Lexmark. £1.33 each...
I just googled 'Simply The Best' rose and what d'ya know - Gardeners Corner came up so that's why I have resurrected this thread :) As you can...
I didn't realise I hd to apply to use the hosepipe - I thought my Blue Badge was authorisation. .
I am on a water meter Shiney so I wouldn't use too much water even if there wasn't a hosepipe ban. .
This morning I put out two trays of plants in the borders and used the hosepipe to water them in. I was not breaking the law. I find that having a...
Just found a couple of ants in our lounge again. They seem to come in through the patio doors. I sprayed all outside with Raid insect killer about...
Separate names with a comma.