The first of my courgettes picked today after a very long wait. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Chopsuey greens harvested a few days ago [ATTACH][ATTACH]It's a cut and come again oriental leaf veg with a dill/aniseed-like taste when cooked.
Have you tried looking through the TV's settings menu?For example, on my LG lcd TV, there are settings for sound mode presets and a function...
The first picking of my dwarf French beans [ATTACH] Here they were moments ago [ATTACH] [ATTACH]Three rogue runner bean seeds germinated from...
Picked my first cucumbers and runner beans today.[ATTACH]Here they were a few moments ago. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]The cucumber...
Here are mine for comparison.In a container [ATTACH] In the ground [ATTACH] [ATTACH]The variety is Black Beauty.I don't have much...
[ATTACH]Repeat after me:"The dark purply things are absolutely, definitely, positively vegetables."Here are my first pickings of these...
It took a very long time for my cucurbits including these pumpkins to get going this year:[ATTACH]But, the interplanted catch crop of...
The progress of my cherry tomato bed:[ATTACH][ATTACH]Significantly behind compared to what others have posted but I know they will soon...
For those of you following along.[ATTACH]The potatoes and carrots are all pretty much at this stage of growth - that's only if you've been...
Commiserations, On the Levels but it does make me chuckle a bit in recognition of your predicament.The birds in my area do peck at a few but...
Just a little update for completeness.Pictures taken 9 days ago.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]The air-layered...
I always start slicing at the stalk end if the cucumber is one that I grew myself.That is because I harvest cucumbers with a small nub of the...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH]I don't have the materials to construct a proper Munty frame but I found that a bed frame and a curtain pole will serve the...
Yes, it is perfectly possible.Your container is about 75L in volume (1L = 1000 cubic cm, pi x 20x20 x 60 = 75398).[ATTACH] [ATTACH]I...
Harvesting my garlic early. [ATTACH][ATTACH] Here it was a few moments ago. [ATTACH]Harvested early to use as garlic greens because I needed...
The first crop of radishes. [ATTACH]Here they were a few minutes ago. [ATTACH]I agree with the above about the slugs and snails - they have...
About 1-2 tablespoons of a balanced granular fertiliser 3 times a year applied in March, May and July will suffice. Alternatively, liquid...
In conclusion, it is perfectly possible to grow Morello cherry trees in pots provided that you can keep up with the maintenance (mostly watering)....
[ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]This cherry tree was a root sucker taken from the parent tree above. As the parent is a grafted tree, it is...
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