Prune Issai in spring after the last expected frost and maybe in mid to late summer if the plant gets out of control.Issai produces fruit on the...
@CarolineLYes, indeed they are!And, yes, a 20p coin was used for scale.The mini kiwis are edible and tasty. They are eaten whole just like a...
Issai is best planted in a sheltered sunny spot.If planted directly in the ground, Issai prefers a moisture retentive, well drained soil mix....
Actinidia arguta Issai is a very predictable plant and a consistent cropper.Here is my harvest from last year, 5th October 2020. [img][img]...
Buying a dual or triple band wifi router to solve the slow internal home network might be one solution. Another is just simply to increase...
Yeah, sorry about the wind up.Just ignore my posts and carry on as you were.
You're jumping the gun.By providing us with the requested details, we can determine what hardware interface is needed for the hard drive for...
I am happy to recommend this book again if you can find it on sale:[IMG] [IMG]What's more, Peter has a youtube channel in which he mentions...
Yes, it is worth the effort and I had a lot of fun doing it.
There is not enough information to be able to suggest a solution.Please provide details of your hardware:1) iPad model number and operating...
About a week after chopping off the tomato tops.[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]The big aubergine was from the Tomogine.From the...
Ok, it's time to show what's down below.[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I also don't like to leave the plots bare over winter so I fill them up with what I consider to be catch crops like garlic, radish, Swiss chard,...
The rules say that the green part can not exceed the length of the blanched part so the leaves had to be cut.
The Leeks in A Bucket Competition[IMG]There was only one eligible entry for this competition as everyone else DNQ - they did not meet the...
The Tri-carrot Challenge[IMG]Participants J and L DNQ. These two failed to meet the minimum length requirement of at least 7cm.Participants...
Judgement Day started off sunny with clouds that threatened rain but it never did - so, good omens and an auspice day.Aware that we were still...
Sunday 11th October 2020 saw the commencement of The Great British Weigh-off, otherwise known as Judgement Day for the bucket competitions.But,...
That is a possibility since it came from a rogue plant which might have germinated from a stray seed that I put into the compost heap along with...
Today's pumpkin harvest. [IMG] [IMG]The orange-green one was actually from a rogue plant which I let grow. [IMG]The obligatory weigh-in....
Separate names with a comma.