It is a cunning plan? 'Having a plan' isn't the same as vehicles already on the road not still the same risk level as they were before the plan....
@fairygirl people have literally travelled half way round the world to be in Edinburgh for Hogmanay so cancelling at the last minute isn't...
@CostasK Be careful what you wish for when you say you'd love a bigger garden. When we moved into our current house 37 years ago our garden was...
Our previous house had lovely views out across to the Cotswold escarpment. Then they announced the building of several hundred new homes, a large...
@noisette47 be grateful that you are in France. The way things are going in the UK there won't be any fields left soon.
Not a mixed message, it is pure money grabbing. The Government firstly encouraged people down the EV route with massive subsidies, then tried to...
Amusing but not strictly true based purely on emissions if both ferries were fully loaded. On that basis emissions from the new vessel could be...
We haven't bothered to do anything at New Year for many years. The last time we planned to go out for a New Year event at a local hotel was at...
We can't hear the clinking of our neighbour's glass recycling bin over the noise of ours:ccheers:
We're lucky this year, our bin day didn't change.
Over the past few years I was held back by a hip which was finally replaced early last year. I'm held back now by the amount of work required to...
If by that question they mean clothes have to be expensive for the person to look good I would say they are totally wrong. I look like a sack...
The use of 'like' at every pause in a conversation is one of my bugbears. That, and supposedly professional broadcasters stuttering and 'umming'...
Is it possible to lock/close threads after an extended period of inactivity?I'm still ignorant as to what 'engagement farming' is. Can somebody...
I agree with others that you are far more concerned about the lawn than those attending the wedding will be. One possible option would be to get...
Adverts that claim something is 2 times as effective. Why not just say twice?
I couldn't say what type of cake it was. I was so traumatised by the sandwich my memories of anything else are hazy.
@pete the only thing I would describe as 'cool' is either beer or wine fresh out of the fridge.
Many, many years ago we were invited to tea by the parents of one of my school friends. Tea was actually just one Spam sandwich each and a piece...
I wish it was that easy with the crab apple. All it has now is half a dozen really thick branches and dozens of water shoots. Crab apples, and...
Separate names with a comma.