[img] [img] Well done Platanoides Congrats to Hornbeam and GlenW too
OK, I 've scratched around and found this one: SpamihilatorI've never used it so can't vouch for the program but it's open source so should be...
I use Yahoo for mail - 90% of spam goes into a bulk mail folder which you can ignore and after a month they self destruct. Any that do get through...
Forgot this one: Startup Inspector A lot of programs (such as all the Kodak Easyshare ones which constantly scan your pc and report back to base)...
Ok First make sure your operating system and browser are up to date and fully patchedAfter that do a full virus/worm/malware/spyware scan with...
I would hose the corm with a fairly powerful water jet to get rid of the weevils and any clinging soil. Once the corms are clean you should be...
More great pic and congratulations to every one who entered. [img] Difficult choices but...1st: Hornbeam ... "Babe in the wood" So glad the...
I find the icky splat they make when I whack 'em is more of a problem :D
My Hippeastrums have been in leaf all summer. Apple Blossom has died back and I've cut the leaves to about 1" from the neck of the bulb. The...
Waco: I'm frightened to ask! :eek:I think the biggest danger to trees will be from honey fungus. Trees drought stressed in the summer then...
Interesting comparison between last year and this.Taken 25th Nov 05 - almost a white out![img][img]and taken yesterday 26 Nov 06!...
Get down to your local recycling depot and see if there are any scrap ovens of a similar make. Chances are, even if the door is different the...
If it's anything like any other Government computer project the final cost will be at least 10 times that being floated (and it won't work!). I...
When I need a label sewn inside the back of my coat to remind me who I am I'll get an ID card.
First from me,Fancy meeting you here![img]During the autumn I've been rounding up any ladybirds to overwinter in the greenhouse and the...
Hi Whiley!Regarding the dahlia(s).Assuming it's the tuberous type, lift it out of the container, cut back the top to about 3" from the tubers,...
That is serious staging. And I though wood slats on 4"x2" was overkill!
Are you running a popup blocker Waco? Yahoo popup blocker can be a bit moody sometimes.
Seem to be working here ~but~ you have to double click on the buttonsEdit: Just to clarify, the Enter buttons are working on a single click it's...
You don't!Worms do a better job of aerating your lawn and keeping it healthy than any mechanical intervention ever can. If the casts are a...
Separate names with a comma.