That Looks Smashing Hel, Love the colour and The Plant looks great.. Love It :)
There Gorgeous Nathan, I am a newby to Daliah's, I used to think they were for Old men and Earwigs but I love them now, The Cactus Daliah's are my...
WOW I hope it Flowers for you Walnut, Aww Bob what a shame :) So Does'e this Apply to all Banana's?
Thanks caps and Bob, That would be great Hel, Love the Dark Foliage, not to mention the flower, its Gorgeous.. Let me know when the seeds are...
Thanks Pete :gnthb: I know you dont visit much, Cos I miss you :luv:
Hahahaha Kelly, I didn't notice untill i uploaded the pics...
Awww I Wonder who Left Me The Loveheart :D[img]Cactus Daliah Bob :thumb: Its Gorgeous... Wrong date on Camera, Obviously..[img]...
What an easy garden to plant up :) Love the blue wall, you need something Architectual up there, looks like a Cordyline on the left, thats Cool,...
I have Kelly, one hour charging and they last ages, its just that everybody wants them :)
WOW look at that, its going to be fantastic John, All that room, Your gonna have to do something Amazing with your garden because its on show all...
1st.. Marley... Water Curtains..2nd.. Jim and Vicky.. Birdbath..3rd.. Rosa... Bridge over Troubled Waters..Great Pics Everyone..
Great Bargain Catztail, I haven't been near a GC for weeks, the weather sort of put me off :( Now you have got me in the mood :)
I can't remember when mine were sown bob, only one took but no where near to flowering so Well done on yours, I love the yellow one too, I have...
WOW Bob, Twins haha.. Mines dropping its petals now but there's loads more buds and one of the red one's you sent me has come into flower :thumb:...
Its for kids Kristen :thumb: you know Little people LOL..Your doing a great job there Steve.. Love your Decking :thumb:Ahhhh the penny...
WOW its got big :) I didnt think it would put that much growth on, so soon. Im going to split some for my front garden next year as they kept...
No White tips Bob, Its perfect just the way it is :luv: The red one is just coming into flower too :thumb:
Hub Phoned me this morning, He's gutted..And Disgusted that Bobby saw his NUFC Relegated.. RIP Bobby..A Legend..
You Little Fibber you:D The longer you leave it, the harder it will be, So get yourself Motivated and hire a Lawn stripper and a Wacker then lay a...
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