They should be alright in the ground all winter. But not if they will be sitting in a puddle. Also lift some in the autumn and store them,...
Aye... go ahead... Rhodies have lots of wee roots and move well. They must have an acid soil...... if you've got lime/chalk, forget it..... but...
Pot them up and sell them on E-Bay!
Physalis peruviana is the one that I know, delicious sweet berries in their own paper wrap!.. wait til they drop off before you eat them!
You want everything! Check out 'Surpassing Beauty'... available from Peter Beales.... a fabulous rose... that comes with a story. The famous...
The chinese lantern is a wee bit invasive The cape gooseberry... which is what Jazmine has here... isn't invasive.. it's a tender perrenial, I...
Looks even more like cape gooseberry... hopefully you might get the fruit to ripen
Taking cuttings or seeds from other people's gardens (without permission) is stealing. The amount of otherwise law abiding folk , who think it's...
The first thing i thought of was Cape gooseberry (physallis).....related to the chinese lantern.. could you have been eating them in the garden...
Totally off track.. but whenever I see this title, I think "Angela Rippon"... I sat next to her on a train once.. and she smelt devine! ;)
I wouldn't put them in polythene, just cover with a wee bit of compost and leave somewhere bright but not too sunny. keep them moist.. but not...
No... it's an annual Not much really.. you could dead head the finished flowers. It will die at sometime in the autumn.... pull the whole thiing...
There is an argument that cutting off leaves or even taking out the side shoots, lets the blight spores in. .....but on the other hand, letting...
At the risk of sounding like me Mum...... it's spelt BUDDLEIA.. after Mr. Buddle ! ;-) It makes googling easier if you spell it right!
They really aren't the right tree for a small garden... I would enjoy them somewhere else..!
I've never had a problem them started.. but maybe try some now, and save some til the spring!
Out of context ,the runner bean does look like some exotic, tropical climber
I assume you've got creeping thistle.. the one with the long underground roots! Take out anything that you can that is worth saving, either pot...
I wouldn't even try!.. I don't think they would survive and tend to be short lived anyway! Grow new from seed.... either collect your own......
Yep... chop it down to ground level... it'll be up again next year!
Separate names with a comma.