If it's bare rooted, then November would be perfect... but any time after the leaves have fallen off... until they reappear in spring... and as...
I stand corrected... I'm far to busy in my own garden to watch telly about other folks!:lollol:
Dithane is a nasty chemical compound.. if you choose to use it (and I wouldn't).. be very careful, don't eat the crop within 7 days. Bordeaux...
Hmmmm... garden makeover programmes like using bark mulch cos it looks good on telly. Then the Blackbirds come along, and throw it all over the...
It's not the easiest to grow well...gets bad black spot, give it a nice mulch of garden compost or simular and keep it watered.
How old are they?... what do you mean by leggy? Could you get a photo on here?
Hi.. welcome to Gardenerscorner! Gloire de Dijon is lovely, but can be temperemental. Is it in good soil, and in a sunny, airy position?...
8 metres should be fine. 5 feet might be a bit close... especially it you're on a clay soil!
Tulips shouldn't be planted until november... the later the better
Thanks all, that'll give him a few ideas to be going on... we like the hydrangea quericfolia option!
A friend In central England has asked me to recommend a shrub that -grows to about 2 metres -white flowers -Autumn colour -easy to look after. -in...
Caster oil plant... Ricinus communis. It's poisonous!
They spread..... careful where you put it!
They are easy from seed... Chilterns seeds do a mix called "The Bishops Children", which are from Bishop Of Landaff, they all have the same dark...
Legumes... such as beans, are nitrogen fixers, they make and store their own nitrogen, so feeding with a high nitrogen fertilizer like growmore is...
That's a fern... and nothing to wory about Braken has the fronds coming off tall stems, ferns (except a few rare ones) come from a central rosette
Did the un-named scientist also mention the damange caused to farmers by using unsafe chemicals and how often farm workers in the Developing World...
There are two options Strimming.... start in May when the fronds are knee-high, and not fully open, and keep at it, when ever they grow up again...
Thanks all! I'm getting the message not to worry about it... I tidied the worst affected leaves... and will keep an eye on it!
I netted mine.. but the greenfly got bad cos the birds couldn't get to them..... you can't win I pick off the catterpillars!
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