I wouldn't be worried about the curling... but the brown patches on the stems and leaves.... have they got a white fur around them?
I've got rusty leeks..... any sugestions? ( call a plumber? ;) )
Hello... and welcome There's not really any way to keep them small, they might be slow growing, but they will eventually get quite big, and they...
It's edible... it's not looking like any pest or disease.. i would say it's a mineral deficiency of some type.. are you feeding them?
Could you get some photos on here?
The escallonia is probably best soursed from those hedging companies that advertise at the back of gardening magazines. if you grew it from seed...
Mine look like that this year!
****mutters something under his breath!*********
This is blight, on toms and tatties....!
You could give them a spray... your garden centre should have an organic mildew control.
I would talk to the Council... !
Cheer up! Big weeds come out easier than little ones, and make more compost! Pick the ripe tomatoes... and have a fabulous salad, leave the...
It's Ailanthus altisima... the Tree of Heaven.... great name for a total thug! It'll either be a sucker from a nearby mature tree... or a...
we've already started with it down here!... I'd give a pecautionary spray if I was you, by the time you see the symptoms...it's taken hold!
I use mMurphy's Traditional Copper.. on Tomatoes Dithane I use on Potatoes.. But it isn't green... and you can't harvest within a week of spraying
I'm getting the first signs of blight!.. so it's not too early to start spraying with a copper fungicide!
Have you got anymore pics?
Yep.. don't put them in the shed!... just leave them in their pots, cut off any old leaves, just carefully tidy them up, pot up as many new plants...
Plant's don't read the text books! The books will tell you how to grow plants as well as you can, and give you the optimum conditions that they...
It's golden leaved feverfew.. they are quite tough, so it might pull through... they have pretty white flowers and will self seed all over the place!
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