Ailanthus altisima.. the tree of heaven! It's a bit of a pest.. seeds everywhere, suckers and lifts paving slabs!
It depends on how cold the winters are where you are.. in Britain it would die in winter... somewhere frost free it would survive! They are...
It needs a sunny well drained site.. and as we've mentioned , it can cause an allergic reaction... so not somewhere people can brush past it. It...
Seconded.. a herbaceous Paeony
If it looks healthy then that's a good start! If you've been feeding it... stop If you've been pruning it.... stop Sometimes you can treat...
1 and 2 are foxgloves 3 is white deadnettle. (look at the flowers!).. it wont sting.. but is a weed!
All you need is Channel Islands soil... and a nice climate.... and hey presto! We're not allowed to call them Jersey Royals here on Sark... but...
Aye.. it is!
Hahhahaha.. that'll teach you... always use clean compost for seedlings... not only does it avoid this problem, but garden soils might contain...
Yep.. they'll be appearing all over now!
They are two seperate plants... the second pic is a holyhock... the first is white dead nettle... a weed,,, those white roots break easily ... so...
The "fern" looks more like bracken.. if it is i'd be taking it out, along with the bramble behind it!
I would strongly encourage people not to try things too early... unless you have more time than sence..... later plantings catch up! We're still...
Sorry to disagree, Peter.. It's Herb Bennet, Geum urbanum Just dig it out.. don't let it flower or set seed!
It's called liverwort.. a primative mossy plant... just scrape it off!
Where are you... It makes all the difference when trying to answer ! Try googling Three-cornered leek...
My advise for anything woody that's taken a bashing this winter is to leave it alone.. unless you know what you're doing... wait a month or so......
Hope that helps!
... for that ugly fence... try Morning glory (Ipomoea), Cup and saucer ( Cobaea) and, or Black eyed susan (Thunbergia alata)
If you're a famous singer, singing a line on a record is your job... it won't change the world, (We can't even remember who sang on the first Live...
Separate names with a comma.