I do mine now! You can cut back any off the new growth, back to the berries. If you want to cut it back harder, then wait til late winter.
It's why we do it!...
Lot's of questions! Your onions were probably takes by mice or squirrels.. try covering them next year. Cauliflower is quite difficult,...
Aye, but Tea roses, from which the hybrid types originate, were developed much earlier in China.
100% correct, Wise.... except it's Camelia sinensis, and it's not all that hardy!
It's a camelia.... but how can you tell the cultivar without seeing a flower?
Don't worry!... It's now late in the season... it's being eaten by something, but the leaves are gouing to drop soon anyway.. if you can see...
It's just nartural variation, that sort of thing happens sometimes
Catalpa bignoniodies, the Indian Bean Tree. It has both male and female flower parts on all trees, so it's not that!.... They originate from the...
... See what your local nursery has to recommend, but not until spring!
Dusty Miller! Lychnis coronaria
The plant needs some leaves to put energy back into the roots/crown for next year.. if you take off all the leaves now then it will weaken the...
Stawberries...... look great.. don't do anything.. just water..I'm not sure how much to feed them Carrots.. thin them now.. and next time don't...
... and pumping so much pollution into the atmosphere that the climate changes is? The only realistic way forward is to reduce emissions, It's...
As long as WE all believe that it's someone else's fault, someone else's problem, someone will come along and fix it, then it means WE don't need...
Chives look nicer... and work too
Lime is added to most potting composts, It's not essential, but helps most things and makes the compost less acidic. Ericaceous, or lime free...
If you start them now, they will flower next year.... if you sow them in Spring, they will spend the first year bulking up... and flower properly...
Welcome to Gardener'sForum Yes!
Yep, Freddy.. cutting back lavendar is one of my favourite jobs. Wait til it starts looking grotty, then go over, either with sheers, or I grab...
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