Mine all flowered last month for the usual, brief period. Mine winter in the conservatory that doesn't drop below 16C for the most part.
It'll be watering on steroids the next few days, as it continues to be sunny but now with temperatures in the mid-high 20s. That'll absolutely...
I'm learning about how to care for my cacti and succulents @Balc so will be interested in comments you receive from your post.
It's lovely and sunny, so - nothing!! :smile:
I'll have a look at those, @pete. From experience, do you think they'd make it through a winter?
Re my earlier post:Does anyone else in the south-east of England have success with Oleander? If so, does it need winter protection?I'm not...
West Berkshire: this last week has been very sunny but cool. Unusually so. The Met Office is still predicting a chance of a hot summer. El NiƱo...
A different cause, but our lawn was almost non-existent (badly-laid on top of builders rubble) and wiped out during last year's UK heatwave. It's...
Watering. Pinning back the vine. Exciting, eh?!
Similar! I have a very untraditional (English) garden other than two climbing roses that were here for a while already when we moved in 33 years...
I imagine that the summer heat in your neck of the woods gets higher than here (West Berkshire) but I agree it would be interesting to compare...
In terms of other Mediterranean shrubs that would be suitable for large terracotta pots, I'd be grateful for recommendations. I'm in the Thames...
Nice one. There, my avatar is chrism.
I agree with @pete - it has great potential as a Mediterranean/patio/dry garden area. Many of such plants don't need nor want rich soil and are...
I'm planning on staring at the various plugs, to see if that produces flower buds.
I used to be on Garden Friends, and if you're the same balc, I was amazed by how many flowers you packed into your balcony. Just amazing!
Agreed. I have three, which this year, is having the best growth spurt since planting three years ago.
What an amazing pond @kindredspirit We had a small patio pond which once it went into the ground and was accessible, attracted frogs,...
The Beth Chatto gravel garden, which is never watered. Perfect for a weekend with weather like this: Beth Chatto's Gravel Garden - Beth Chatto Gardens
Brilliant. I've just clicked 'watch thread'. Lovely photos!
Separate names with a comma.