Is this a Coleus?
Yes they get pretty big if you are refering to Acer pseudoplatanus. The winged seeds (Samaras) get everywhere. Bin it!
CarolI too am not a fan of Carol. I find her 'gushing laugh' about three quaters along a sentence a tad false and somewhat annoying.
AlanAlan is my hero! Ever since Groundforce to be exact. It was watching the program that gave me the motivation to take a course with the RHS....
Birdnest boxA birdnest box. Why cheap? Because I had some old wood lying around so decided to make one. Have a family of Blue tits in residence...
I can't help but feel I should know what shrub this is, but it is eluding me. A work mate was given this, and it is is a young shrub, thus small....
Thanks all.
Mother recieved a bunch of flowers for her birthday and one of the plants I don't recognise. Any ideas?
Thank you Gemini. Glad you liked my offerings.
What type of music do I like? Well, the simple answer to that is anything with a catchy tune! I will sing anything also, as one can see if you...
Thanks all. Have tried mini conifers, but they just were just not happy in the position, which is strange as they are pretty tough plants and I...
Have six pots in the front garden, which is east facing. Want to put some tough hardy SMALL shrubs in them, that can look after themselves pretty...
I love the painting of the woman's torso (not just because it's a woman's torso) because it looks so life like! Excellent.
Don't know if this will work, but here goes................... Nope it didn't!
Another attempted.
I have had some terracotta pots for a few years now, which are supposed to be frost proof, however, one has started to break and peel in spots...
Thanks for the compliments. I have no idea what makes a good painting, but the mention of 'atmosphere' concerning the moon picture, I can...
An attempt at water colour painting.
One didn't open up, so trying again. River and Trees
Separate names with a comma.