DO NOT tap your feet. I repeat, NO FOOT TAPPING![MEDIA]You did, didn't you.I think these ladies have practised quite a bit!
[MEDIA]On a somewhat different note, I absolutely love this West Coast swing routine and must have watched it dozens of times (Sad, I know). It...
Up till 1am last night bottling plum compote. I must be stark raving bonkers!
Try this one if you have time for a trip to Mexico. You can hire a local lad to walk up there with you. A bit unnerving when the ground gets warm...
Cripes, I'd have been hiding under the seat!
Pure Welsh sex on legs even at his age! I don't know what he's got but he's got it.
I'm gonna practice that until I can! The tall black guy steals the show with his hand gestures. Blurred Lines -so totally politically unacceptable...
Fleppin' hick! Depending on the scale of the adjacent plants that could be a hundred of feet high!
The C dianthifolia looks, well, dianthifolish, but apart from that.....
I agree, absolutely gross to leave it in a bag. I understand why they would not wish to take it home and feel sorry for the poor dog owners having...
Will do, although I think I'll separate the potted ones in the spring. I'm going to have to take a punt on the ones in the ground, though- after...
The c tuberosa have given a decent show second time around but have grown noticeably lankier than last year, about 18", so best in a border next...
@longk, I raised a number of healthy little N glauca seedlings, lovely they were, and planted them out at the appropriate time only for them to...
Anyone doing anything with elderberries this year?
Absolutely agree, Billie Jean, sheer genius.
Something bushy about a foot high, I'd say. A. sphaerocephalum has spindly stems and the leaves tend to look a bit of a mess so anything that...
There are various testing gadgets but to avoid spending money, ask a gardening neighbour who should know. Or tell us where you live and someone...
It will not do well in a shady spot. Also, each plant grows larger and sprawls, but it does not send out new roots which shoot and create new...
I'm severely tempted - only a few miles away from me! However, common sense rules. One and a half greenhouses should be enough for the moment!
I am glad to see a dog owner agreeing with me on this. I am quite frightened of strange dogs, though I'm fine with ones I know and I find it...
Separate names with a comma.