I'd give them a good raking and hoeing on a very hot day to loosen and break up the roots which hopefully will then shrivel. Repeat regularly as...
Are the roots white or brown? I think we are going to need more pics of the whole plant and any flowers, buds or seeds. Also the bulge where the...
I don't think it's tropical, tough as old boots. It's been discussed several times on here, can't remember anyone saying they got loads of fruit!
Yes, I remember him. Real old school, tweed trousers and pipe sort of guy. He probably wouldn't have approved of women gardeners!I always enjoy...
I have the same, it's probably been planted at least 7 years and no fruit ever, although I might have seen a flower once. It's on the allotment so...
#1 reminds me of winter honeysuckle foliage.
Very nice. Looks very similar to one I bought in the garden centre in Feb too! I can't remember the name, but if you google 'pink cactus dahlia'...
Dormia nytolensis?
Snails are a little more difficult but you should see an improvement after about 6 months.
Viral infections would not present in young plants grown from seed. That's handy in the case of cannas, for example, where bought stock might be...
See the magical power of the forum? We can even work through thought processes.
I'd go with some kind of oriental mustard. Have you tasted it?
Woohoo! :yay: As I believe those young people phrase it.
Yes, I was saving them the labour costs of chucking them in the bin.
The brugs are all doing fine, the tibouchina's a bit of a lanky mess but alive. Half tempted to go back and see if they've reduced them to 50p.
I think it was the close-up that confused me - makes it look unnaturally big. Which is the whole point, I suppose.
And the absence of a swan neck.Now, why can't someone breed one with blue leaves and a swan neck?
I just assumed you were a Goon Show fan.:)
It couldn't be a posh form of lythrum salicaria, could it?
Would it be lysimachia clethroides? [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.