Yes Nik you have a viburnum tinus and possibly a small bay in that pot too. The other is quite possibly a Rudbeckia so expect some bright yellow...
Campsis radicans.
Ok still looks and sounds like a Salvia to me, but not microphylla. Hopefully you will have some flowers developing soon which will make it easier...
Yes , there are perennial sunflowers, (Helianthus) which grow to 6 ft in height and flower from late July and August onwards.
Hmmm........not sure that is a mint at all, growing from a single stem. How big are the leaves and is it definitely a mint smell? it looks more...
Could be a Sunflower, that one Ben.
That looks to me like a Hibiscus. Could well be a sucker from the stump, the description fits.
That one is Philadelphus Belle Etoile.
Some should be flowering soon, Meconopsis cambrica.
The first is japanese anemone, yes it does spread well and throttle other plants so try and contain it. The second is Sedum spurium.
It needs to be watered very slowly to allow the water to penetrate, maybe by using one of these....
That one looks like a Spiraea, possibly latifolia
think you have the description and the photo's the wrong way round.The pink flower is an herbaceous Geranium, not sure what variety. The other...
It looks like Lonicera japonica to me, so it is a climber. Those are flower buds coming through, should be quite fragrant too.
The Cherry laurel has much larger oval shaped leaves which are a paler green and the flower panicles, shorter which grow upright. You have the...
Good pruning job ! That one is a Prunus laurocerasus, Cherry laurel.
Sorry to say Annie, it is really not a good sign when this happens at this time of year. Normally it is a sign of honey fungus which has attacked...
a Geum b purple toadflax c looks like phlox but could still be willowherb d Lemon balm... do the leaves smell of lemon if crushed ? e Sedum f...
Cherry Laurel is close......It is the Portugese Laurel, Prunus lusitanica.
B .. Lemon Balm C.. Eschscholtzia D.. Sedum, possibly spectabile E.. Some willow herb and a cotoneaster + F..Aqualegia and possibly Enchanters...
Separate names with a comma.