no - thats all the clue is. I have no letters for it - all I know is that it has 7 letters islayhawk
why Jazmine ? islayhawk
No that would probably be worded 'Did the farm animal fall'. The wording in the puzzle is correct - I have have checked that islayhawk
Help!! I am doing a plant puzzle and the cryptic question is ' Did the animal farm fall' the answer has 7 letters. It's a plant. Can any of you...
My Lupin seeds appear to have failed to germinate. Soaked them for 24hrs but never scarified them Do they have to be scarified and soaked - and is...
We certainly have no shortage of water where I stay. However - when people talk of de salinisation plants I wonder how much energy it would take...
Thanks - I was more worried about composting the ground. As I always thought that too much compost would not suit the peas. I was given the...
I have a small piece of ground where I would like to plant peas. It still has grass on it. At this late time what would be the best way to...
I have been given 3 pots each with Camassia plants in them (not sure what type). They are approx 2-3ft high, in flower. I want to plant them out...
My Son has some veg growing in his greenhouse :- beetroot, carrot, spinach and salad leaves. The seem very sluggish - maybe due to the cold....
quick call to a honda dealer- explained problem with location and he talked me through it. Excellent service islayhawk
Looking for info on how to fit a new drive cable to a honda izy hrg536 mower. Have searched everywhere on the web for info - I live too faraway...
I purchased two parsley plants from the herb section of our local supermarket today. The advice on them were to put them on a sunny window ledge...
Both beaches in my village are silver sand. It is very fine and covers the seafront when the wind is blowing. However - I do not know whether I...
I have never grown strawberries before. If I plant strawberry plants now, when can I expect them to fruit
The hose would have to be connected to the downpipe at a point no lower than the top of the water butt. Water will always find its own level -...
The mulch is to keep the weeds down. However I do not want one that is alkaline in nature islayhawk
I would like to mulch a large bed which contains only Hydrangeas, to supress weeds. To keep them blue what is a safe mulch to use islayhawk
Has anyone used the small cloches (1.5mX45cmx45cm) that are advertised on a well known online auction house. If so, how strong are they and how do...
I turfed mine - then double dug adding manure. all the turf I removed I covered in black poly and put into a corner of my garden to compost. I...
Separate names with a comma.