Glad it's not just me @JWK . The beginners I completely understand, I've definitely got carried away and sowed things far too early; it's the...
I don't know if it's "the lockdown effect" but I've definitely noticed people suggesting/sowing things much earlier than normal this year - not...
Sarcoccoca looking and smelling amazing:[ATTACH]This tub is full of last year's bulbs - no idea what odds and ends made it in there but looks...
Sadly yes. We don't have the set up to keep them completely inside, so they're in a roofed run that we've covered over as much as possible. Days...
A proper early spring day here - warm in the sun and everything! Pruned the roses and group 3 clematis, moved various pots around (the sweetbox...
Finally warm and dry enough here to spend a bit more time on the greenhouse base; just need to finish the top course of bricks in the back corner...
The daffodils are really starting to get going (please ignore the muddy decking and dirty pots :redface:)[ATTACH]Minnow:[ATTACH]...
The last couple of years I had a lot of success with nematodes, but it was a small garden so I could afford to apply it several times over the...
@Jenny namaste your photo gives me expectations for my oxalis to aspire to! The corns you sent me a couple of years ago look amazing through the...
@Snorky85 the allotment is looking incredible, amazing job! I like @rustyroots idea for covering the watertank - I've also had great success...
Another dry albeit freezing weekend means the greenhouse footings are now three bricks high. One layer to go and then we can start filling the...
Apparently I really like pink hellebores...need to branch out on that front a little :redface:[ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]And the first...
Interestingly (well, not really :heehee:), and very much against the consensus on this thread, I'm really not keen on Adam Frost; I find him very...
Trays have gone into the propogator today to warm up for sowing this weekend - this year I'm repeating Apache, which is a firm favourite every...
Thanks @rustyroots . For rain and snow the half-height bit of the run is covered, not that they seem inclined to use it as shelter when it's...
Footings for the greenhouse are well underway; the trench was lined with hardcore and then topped with a few inches of concrete. We hired a...
Wow @Loofah , just come across this thread - what an amazing project! I'm another one who's incredibly envious of that greenhouse, for all the...
We spent the weekend getting the footings in for the greenhouse; next step is building the base up from the concrete, but Mr Bassoon is back at...
Thanks both, I'm glad my gut instinct doesn't seem to be completely off-base this time!Sorry yes, I should have said, it's a Swallow...
Thanks Nigel, that's good to know - I was wondering about doing similar. The garden is on a permenant slope so we're going to have to build up a...
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