well done rosa, like your idea x
sorry folks this photo was taken during winter, :lollol: i just grabbed it from photo bucket, to try out a new programme :hehe: we did have a...
no ydd its this blooming vista,had my son here today and at last have now got a decent programme for photos so was trying to see if it still...
happy birthday mary sorry its late,had visitors all day and my hand is really sore so much for the injections.:hpbthd:
just practising[img]
thanks rosa maybe sis and I will see you during summer its not so far away, kathy x
well done YDD :gnthb: CONGRATULATIONSalso you other guys well done to you all
beautiful as always Rosa :gnthb: there is so much to look at :luv: is there room out there if we come for coffee
Well done to David and Annehe looks like he really quite enjoyed that , mary you had better watch your pees and quees now big brother is...
here you go John and Alice,I do 3 or 4 to an 8inch pot depending on the size of your bulbs [img]
Hi John ,yes I plant them about every 2 weeks ,but I grow them in the greenhouse ,and they come up quickly ,don't plant them to deeply, I always...
thanks Capney and JKW. you still have loads of time. i stagger mine all summer
pleasure Freddy,also take up less room, and taste delicious
sorry here they are[img]
1 shallot ..all these lovely salad spring onions[img]
shallot out of greenhouse[img]
rain drops keep falling on my head [img]
hi Rosa my black fushia[img]
thanks rosa it is lovely,I do have a black fushia will try to find photo for you
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