It is a good idea to cover the seed lightly with a bit of soil or compost, as they will do a bit better if they've got a bit of soil to root into....
Grass plants can grow to be quite substantial. Each seed does put up a single leaf initially, but once it grows to be more mature and more leaves...
A badger wouldn't be burying the nuts. They'd stick their noses in the ground to find one that's already there. If they don't like what they find,...
I think you've got a badger.
Aerating using solid-tines doesn't actually relieve bad compaction, as the holes will just close up again. Try to push a cane into the ground. It...
How hard was the soil before you did your first re-seeding? I think the new seed couldn't root into it because it was too hard, so it was pulled...
An autumn feed is really important for the health of the grass, as Potassium is easily washed out of the soil, so it is a good idea to replenish...
My first thought was ranunculus ficaria (Lesser Celandine), but a clearer photo will help confirm it.
Wildflower mixes won't do well on fertile soil, as the weed grasses will just run away and swamp it all. You need basically wasteland for a decent...
45 square yards is about 38 square meters. Grass seed is usually sown at about 25 grams per square meter, which is 950 grams for your area....
Some herbicides only need 6 weeks, some up to 18 months. Read the labels to find one that is good for your lawn.
Ask the supplier.
Back to the original question ... any iron (or ferrous) sulphate will do the trick, although you'll need to dissolve it in water and spray it on,...
The problem is, do that on a sandy soil and you're just making the problem worse. The grass will need to be fed loads and there will be no humous...
That may have worked (temporarily) for your lawn though, but is not recommended for most lawns. Without putting a moss control down, you're just...
They're both the same thing!
The grass you've got should be fine for a general use lawn, and I wouldn't go sowing any rye into it now as you'll just make it look odd and...
I wouldn't touch it if I were you. You don't want to top dress or overseed until the grass is pretty much established, and with a lawn sown now,...
You could try to do it manually, but it will be tough. I would really soak it first (maybe put a drop of washing up liquid in a watering can to...
Separate names with a comma.