Grass needs at least 7 degrees Celsius in the soil to germinate, so I doubt the soil would be colder than that in September, even in Scotland! The...
You're at just about the ideal time to start sorting out your lawn, but to do it thoroughly will take a few months. Starting now I would put a...
Leaving the cores on is pretty bad practice to be honest. It's just doing half a job and calling clumps of root matter, thatch and weed seeds a...
For now I would just water well and mow regularly. The grass will be brown because when it is allowed to grow long, it shades out the lower...
Cool season grasses (what we have in the UK) slow their growth dramatically once the temperature gets too hot for them (24+). This is normal....
Hi Bob, That's moss. It comes in when grass is struggling. You need to find the reason why the grass might be having a tough time and address...
Glad to hear there is an improvement! If it is that hard to get a fork into it though, I would seriously consider getting it hollow-tined properly...
Grass needs a root run of six inches deep, minimum. A foot preferably. Ideally though, not on concrete at all!
Wow clueless, you do love your sand! Sand doesn't contain any nutrients as it is just ground up rock. Grass seed won't germinate in it either...
Just as an FYI for everyone else. Cutting your lawn that short is the quickest way to ruin it. Cutting off all the leaves of any plant (which is...
Oh dear. What to do kind of depends on exactly what you put down. From the pictures it looks a bit like iron burn from moss killer, which is...
Interesting that it is a new lawn. Unfortunately, it is more likely to be fungal in that case. Turf gets very stressed when moved and the constant...
Hmm, there is a possibility it could be a fungal infection. See if watering sorts it out first though, as that is the most likely.
From that far away I'd guess that it's just dry patches caused by the recent hot weather. Stick a fork in these areas and then give them a good...
3 in 1 is always a bit hit and miss with weeds. Think of it as a jack of all trades, master of none. Clover will be sorted out with most lawn...
The recent hot weather seems to have triggered a lot of grass in lawns to go to seed. It is no problem, but I would suggest giving the lawn a...
Using the back of a rake, spread it over the lawn and keep working it until the grass comes through and it has levelled the soil. It's difficult...
I have already answered your question! The only thing I would add,...
Yes, basically, just that. It is the process of spreading a thin layer of sand / loam / peat over the lawn and working it in to improve the soil...
Over seeding will help to thicken a decent lawn, as long as the seeds have contact with the soil and are give time to germinate. However, the...
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