I have been fortunate to obtain a garden with a short stretch of river bank. I have cleared a mass of brambles and nettles to reveal a strip of...
I did pretty well what you did and had little success apart from one plant that I stuck in with a pepper and a chilli direct into a bag of...
Terrier - I like the lateral thinking!
Ta luvgarlic. Sorted.
Just realised that I misspelt horseradish in the thread title.Is there any way of amending it to spare my blushes?
I like the plastic bag idea! More information, please. Any old soil or rich in compost? Presumably some drain holes? Do you sink the bag in a...
I moved to a new house this year so did not have time to prepare the veg garden properly but threw in a few seeds on spec. Very pleasantly...
Anyone had any experience of growing this? I bought a piece of root on Ebay, potted it up and it has produced healthy sprouting leaves. Any...
I subscribe to the view that you leave gooseberries to do their own thing but my wife sides with the pruning fraternity and has (in my opinion)...
Thanks for the advice. I reckon that the "browning" I suffered is more severe and extensive than rust, and the severity seems proportional to the...
I have recently moved house and tried to grow some blackcurrant bushes near to a Sycamore tree. They appeared to establish OK at first but then...
Following the floods, veg prices in the shops are rising and expected to continue upwards for some time.Any ideas for good crops to plant now...
Do you need to have a cyclic watering system to keep a flow of water? (I'm thinking of a cheap solar powered pond fountain arrangement).
Question from a newcomer. I am in the process of buying a house with a well-established grapevine on a south facing wall. I guess that it is some...
Separate names with a comma.