Hello Weyms - I watched GW last night but it was not very interesting since there is no 'community gardening' around here apart from the local...
A couple of Glasgow 'heavies' could be the answer Dendy although I recall that one of the greens at Woburn golf course was desecrated with the...
Flowers for seasons is what I like and favourites tend to be those which grow well in my garden:viz.snowdrops and daffodils,Day Lilies and Irises,...
The strange thing about the Woodpeckers is that the Green on feeds on the ground and the 'Greater Spotted feeds off the peanut containers -...
Great picture Roders - the light is wonderful. Just listening to Jerry Lee Lewis singing country song - then off to bed..........
Have a similar problem with the added 'bonus' of the sun when it goes round draws the plants to it hence everything grows at 45 degrees to the...
Hello 'little.angel' - What about trying Ligularia/Zantedaschia/Astilbes - there are lots of Perennials which will enjoy these conditions...
Have grown Skimmias for years as bought plants and cuttings. Never new that there was a problem with sexing them ( maybe just lucky?).
The problem with many of these plug offers is that you end up with '52 Begonias.42 Fuschias and etc.and what do you do with all these plants? why...
Hello Skotkat - do you know of these American large flowering fuschia and if so can you reccomend a suitable variety?
Thanks for your suggestions PeterS I shall start looking for the plants. I have Valerian which seems to self seed in another part of the...
Our fence went also leaving a similar problem/opportunity. Only problem is that the soil in that section is as dry as dust down to 2-3 feet. If...
My success rate with seeds is so low I have to say plugs - I like taking pieces off established plants and growing new ones which I generally give...
Like Hex we lost a 20 years old fence and have now replaced it - not a very pleasant experience with trees ripped out or just breaking.It's an...
Hello Lazy-Gardener. Like Waco I have lots of B of L which will need to be thrown out later - assuming they all survive you are welcome - also...
Do'n't envy your clearing job Palustris. We lost about 4/5 fence panels but they were some 15 years old. My problem is how to restrain the fencing...
I confess to being a non-fan of gardeners world although sympathetic to the views expressed. Since it became 'personality' driven with Alan...
The Garden for me as I live quite close to Wisley and my daughter buys my subs. as a xmas preesent. Not sure it's the best magazine for the...
I'm with Geoff and Hornbeam wild flower seeds can be a menace - having see what Japanese Knotweed can do and whoever introduced 'Ground Elder'...
Separate names with a comma.