Hi Purple Streaks,I would agree the Delphinium Bluebird looks more Purple than Blue :scratch:. Ah Hostas love water so they should have thrived...
Hi Lori, Yes the Fritillaria is a beautiful bloom,..sad about your delivery of bulbs arrive in a bad condition,..i must admit i often send...
Thanks Victoria, We have have had very hot days for some time,..not enough rain,..luckily i have a 120 gallon water Butt :yes:
Hi Victoria,..love that Alstroemeria 'Inticanta Bryce',..mine are just in bud,..i will be looking backwards at all your beautiful blooms,..shortly :)
Hosta 'Patriot' [ATTACH]Hosta Fortuaria Aureomarginata,..and Hosta Patriot. [ATTACH]Hosta 'Nigrescens and Hebe [ATTACH]Hosta 'Gold...
Marsh Marigold/King Cup 'Caltha palustris' [ATTACH]Snapdragon 'Antirrhinum' [ATTACH]Arum Lily 'Zantedeschia aethipica' [ATTACH]Hardy...
Yes most of the park is fenced off as explained in the images below,..when the construction is finished most of the park will be reopened....
Foxy Molly on a run,..however very confused as to why the park is fenced off,..i will explain tomorrow. [ATTACH]Cooling off. [ATTACH]...
Thanks Victoria,..Foxy Molly will put in an appearance later :)
Hi Sheal,..yes very low clouds,..so you get that as well,..one gets used to it and its only when one captures an image that it becomes very...
Thanks Victoria,..Foxy Molly will put in an appearance shortly :)
Rose (Rosa 'Casino') [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]Rose (Rosa 'Handel') [ATTACH]Rose (Rosa 'Ice Cream') [ATTACH]Leucojum aestivum...
Campanula portenschuagiana as it starts to bloom,..in the second image it will be a mass of colour hardly showing any green.[ATTACH]...
Thanks Sheal,..about two seasons ago i presumed i got rid of those Aquilegia but they had dropped seed and are as plentiful as ever now :)
Thanks Upsydaisy, The garden was neglected this year,.. though i lost a few regular plants i am still pleased at the outcome :)
Never crossed my mind,..so not to worry :)
Hi Upsydaisy,Ah yes i am learning now but no thanks to the medics who prescribed the medication,..they never mentioned anything about liners,..i...
Separate names with a comma.