[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Two plants I’m sure are salvia’s we’re getting very leggy despite being staked and tied. The purple flowers on the shoots...
Yea... it’s hanging on by a thread. I take it pruning back to a leafless stump will kill it.......compost heap?
[ATTACH] One of arguably the top 2 of 25 I’ve grown was destroyed by the winds!!!!!! Arghhhh!!!It was tucked behind a wall and I stupidly...
Thanks.... and now ive found my answer! The new is green at first! So I shouldn’t have just chopped it off!!
Can anyone remind me what the little shrub is called? It’s a bit like an acer, and has nice purple leaf with little pinky white flowers.Can you...
So some of my cosmos plants look amazing!!! All approx 1 foot tall but some incredibly bushy, others a little leggy based on the window cill they...
I learnt my lesson on watering when the sun was out.... on an acer... you only make that mistake once!
I need to learn when to water. It’s barely rained up near Edinburgh where I live and I feel like it’s been hot for 3 weeks now! But I’ve halted my...
If you see a really nice, healthy garden is it fair to say that they have a good feed regime? Ie. Watering alone just does not cut it?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I bought a honey suckle and early flowering clematis Montana (flowers now finished).Both little plants each have just two or...
[ATTACH] Here’s a dahlia I have... it’s wider than it is tall though!!! Can I trim the lateral growth shorter or would that look silly?There are...
Yup I instantly regretted the border depths after planting the buxus. I’ve m had to stake the things behind it and I’m going to have to move...
Do you think the plants beside the railing will eventually grow? I could buy established plants for there but would be a bit of money.I think...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Our front garden is about 7m x 3.5m and faces west. By midday, the sun has come around our row of houses and it begins...
Thanks! I’ve been giving them a good soak every 2nd or 3rd night, you you say avoid the plants and aim for the ground? Is that true of most of my...
[ATTACH] Last spring I planted buxus at about 15-20cm centres to form a traditional hedge around my borders.Year 1 saw little growth which is...
So my cosmos plants are all pretty big now, about 12 inches. Some are more bushy with thicker stems than others.A couple had what looked to be a...
So I have about 15 different cosmos plants as shown! When is the latest you plant more seeds? Is it getting too late now?
It was a small tuber from s cheal multipack in home bargains! I’ve planted a few up.... umm... the ones outside aren’t growing so I’ll bring them...
My first dahlia! Is it ok for there to be two main shoots growing from the tuber? Or should I remove the smaller one?
Separate names with a comma.