nothing grows under live growing Leylandii because it uses all the nutrients and blocks all the light. No worries with dead stuff
Waiting for the mud to go before planting[ATTACH]
Hello Philippa
I know it well, but soil here not workable until the 'tide' goes out. We are saturated
@JennyJB @Nutcracker South Somerset I'd forgotten as well till I saw the pic. Mine disappeared years ago and I can't remember seeing the plant...
Tolmeia menziesii, Piggy-back plant. It does resemble Tiarella but not quite.
I used to work with someone who had a story about frost and snow in a June. It must have been many years ago. There have always been oddities and...
Mine aren't looking great, I don't think they've enjoyed the extreme wet we've had. They come from less soggy places
the blue sky is looking very good and a rather nice pale pink Ribes[ATTACH]
Thanks Silver Surfer, I thought they were but lost confidence just before I planted them
Thanks Asarum
Thanks Obelix
I was givem these but the label has faded, I can just make out the word 'yellow' in one of them. I think it's probably Cephalaria gigantea. Any...
Don't feel like an idiot, if it's not a Sea Holly it's nothing you've done. If it came out of a box labelled Sea Holly it's what you expect to grow.
I share Pete's doubts that you've got a Sea Holly there
we are also visited each Spring. I thought they never nested with us but last year observed a line of 8 or 9 ducklings being marched across the...
thank you
Thank you wiseowl
To me Brookside is a grow up and fall over plant rather than a sprawler like Rozanne. It's a hybrid of pratense I think and behaves like it for me
I'm here, hopefully responding in the right place, formerly nutcutlet. I have a wild 2 acres with lots of wildlife and (right now) more ponds than...
Separate names with a comma.