I agree with Dave, ree pot and split them using fresh compost...... problem solved.
You will need to dig out a spades depth of soil from the dead areas then fill in with new topsoil then a patch of turf or seed.Pathclear is...
I dont believe in it, there are records dating back to the days of Samual Peep proving that temprtures have progresivly increased, long before all...
Your not serious, the thought of even coming into skin contact with it is awful but mulching food crops with it is unthinkable.Asside from the...
Ive never really used the UV pens.Two resons, firstly I want a physical and visible deterent, the UV pen is too discreet. The other reason is...
One further thought, see if the serial number is written down in the owners manual and give this to the police this will help if they find it to...
Bastr* theiving pikeys, i absolutely * loathe them.I really feel for you with this one, Marleys idea is a good one.Id normally sudgest...
The only real solution would be for your neighbor to get a decent tree surgeon in to do a crown thin, this should let a bit more light in, some...
Definately dont it would be a disaster!To bulk it up consider planting hawthorn or honeysuckle perhaps a few dog roses.
Dont try a ringsaw, these are great for cutting concrete but soil would ruin the diamond blade in seconds and these are really expensive!What...
Ha ha In the case of this particular bloke it wasnt unncalled for, he was a right rude W* lol, so my comment was deserved!!!! I rekon it was a...
Reading the quorn thread got me thinking as to how many folk on here are vegetarian and their reasons.I'm about 90% vegetarian largely due to...
Living and working in the wye valley and forest of Dean and regularly regularly driving in mid wales I see every type of driver from the ever...
Hope you enjoy it, nothing like treating yourself.
Yes Peter, the No3 alone tends to dry out a bit too quickly.
My thoughts exactly, the idea of a second advanced test is a good one.What iritates me is this sweerve test is puerly due to pressure from...
The DVLAs new swerve test for motorbike liciences:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8067672.stmSeems a bit barmy that they expect new riders...
I cant see any real problem, then again im no expert on grafting.... only ever done it a couple of times.
Grab, Ive sent you a PM with a link to a website that might be helpfull.
I doubt over watering will be the probem, it sounds more like the brown areas need more consolidation, idd lift a corner and have a look.If...
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