"I may not be perfect, but if someone is trying to blow me up in the name of Islam, I tend to get nervous, to have those people living here and we...
lol BM!!!
Theyll burn as soon as the leaves go brittle, two or three days of hot weather, a pitch fork will be handy to load the fire with as they burn...
From the results common sense is prevaling.
Ive not had a problem sleeping, windows open all day and night, sleep on top of the bed and only go to bed around 1am when the air temp has dropped.
Bm, Not funny.
I just noticed that the RSPCA are on the case......... lets not hold our breath.How any one can justify the police handlers actions is beyond...
Were is the racism? all I can see are personal opinions.When someone choses to become a member of this country they should accept that we are...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8130751.stmYou'd really think the handler would have known better, lets hope the person concerned gets...
If it was up to me anyone of a less than a three generation citizen of the uk, committing a crime in this country would be immediately deported...
It should be ok and will effectively bonsai, you'll have to regularly feed it though as the compost will soon deplete.
33oc degrees today acording to an acurate thermometer in the shade, 36 oc acording to the van thermomter. Either way hot weather to work in. i...
The fake nests dont work, It is a myth that wasps are teritorial, I have treated seperate nests within feet of eachother and lately six nests in...
How big?The best way if doing them manually is to dig around them cutting each root you come across. A mattock and steel bar will be more use...
Pathclear is definately a No No as it has residual action. Roundup will be fine.Personally after they have died off I would multch heavily to...
The wording Jordie came up with is excellent, changing the word disabled is pointless. Disabled is a widely used and understood term.decreased...
It will probably die soon anyway, frisia is prone to vascular wilt and dozens are sucumbing to it. Personally id get rid.
If he was inocent then why did he pay the victim 20million dollars?The guy might have been a good musician but he was an unnrepentant kiddy...
Usefull to know although I have no problem abideing by their rules being as its afterall a private carpark.
I only use screwfix, toolstaion, BES or failing that the builders merchants. All cheaper than B&Q.
Separate names with a comma.