Sounds a nightmare!I don't speak to half the neighbors in the road, one lot I fell out over car parking, and wrongly being accused of rutting...
As above.
1 rekon two Days so £300 plus a hired high tip skip loader at £70 plus a skip at £90 then materials, £200 ishTotal around £700 give or take.
Build it in sleapers with a 2" gap between the sleapers and the wall.
The law on trees and hedges is loosely based on 'reasonableness' you are quite within your rights to insist upon the tree surgeon you wish to...
Dont forget secauteurs !!! these are my most used tool.For me my most used tools would beFork Pickaxe hoe Spade Trowel secauteurs...
I rekon its been knocked back by the cold winter, either that or perhaps something leaching into the soil, are you by a road were there could be...
Stainless steel is quite brittle and often bends or snaps at the welds.The best tools by farr are old ones, most were made from fordged steel...
Kristen, try a farm suplier, Countrywide or MoleValley would have it.I think I payed £3 for 5 litres last time.
I would lay 2" of type one hardcore compacted then 4" of concrete with reinforcing mesh.
Yep, use the grit as a dressing.
I dont like using pellets, beer traps work equally well as does sharp grit, I do use pellets ocasionally but only for a week or so after Ive...
Lovely and hot here, perfect weather to be working outside.
I wouldnt bother, buy a stihl, new or secondhand.The flymo will just have a cheap chinese throw away engine, cheaply and badly made and semi...
10mm sharp Grit works well as a detterent
Trouble is we are talking sprayed on deliberately rather than spray drift therfore the areas will have had a good soaking.
Cheers Peri and Capney.Peri, it is me!This is one of my favourite locations in the Brecon Beacons area, absolutely amazing panoramic...
Grwn Fawr resevoir, A absolutely beutifull day if a bit hazy:[img][img][img][img][img][img][img][img][img]...
Provado is good, also squash them with your fingers, They always colonise the tips and buds of roses so keep an eye out and be proactive.I...
Hope it all gets sorted, best to get all the gripes now and under warranty.
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