I will try and remember to get a photo of the underside of the leaves in the morning @Silver surfer , and with luck a clearer photo of the whole...
@Ladybird4 , I looked at the (very) faded label on no 5 and by squinting like mad could just make out the word "foxglove" :smile:. It does look...
I think you're right @pete ,the markings on the leaves and the flower shape look identical. I have put it in a pot in the lounge temporarily as I...
Thanks @pete . Never heard of Catharanthus, I am off to do some research :smile:
Hate to add to the list, but I agree. Do you have anywhere else on your plot that is shady and with suitable soil ? If there is somewhere suitable...
I thought Cotoneaster for no 4 @ViewAhead , so I reckon I will go for that with the possible addition of a question mark :biggrin:.
Think you might be right @flounder ,there are faint white spots on the leaves. Are they tough enough to be left outside do you know, or they are...
Thanks @Scotmac :smile: , the foxglove makes sense (as does the Impatiens). I've been staring at them all morning but nothing came to mind...
I have been donated these unsold plants from a recent sale, but they are either unlabelled or the label has faded. I am preparing them for sale at...
Ironically I would say move the peony, especially as it hasn't been in the ground very long. I've moved both roses and peonies and would say that...
I know what you mean about the changes to the garden @900 m up, I was the same when we took out the box hedges in the back garden. It used to look...
This may have been mentioned before but I sometimes wonder if McEnroe is making a subtle comment when he refers to him as "Joke ivich". He must...
Looking through my lists of unwatched threads (because I have a sad life), I came across this. How are you getting on with it @RDB85 ?
Just to give you all an idea of what the local rescue has to deal with in just one day."Just finished at the rescue after 14 admissions today !...
Unfortunately he can't do that under the rules @ViewAhead. Andy Murray's Wimbledon career over after Emma Raducanu pulls out of mixed doubles
Goes off to buy a pot.....:biggrin:
In theory yes, but as @flounder says, you can put several into one pot and grow them on to look like one bushy plant.
Say you take 3 or 4 cuttings from one fuschia plant, you would in theory get 3 or 4 new plants and the same applies to the ivy. Of course there...
No such thing as a silly question John (if there is, I've asked a few in my time !). What sort of plants are you taking cuttings from ?
This is the first time I have stumbled upon this thread (to the best of my knowledge). Some lovely posts. I particularly enjoyed the " I can't...
Separate names with a comma.