When it's freezing cold and/or throwing it down I tend to find the best thing to do is to sit in front of my toasty woodburner with a cup of...
My anthurium, and two bromeliads......[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
I'm always on the look out for gardening tips to vastly improve the basic and mediocre knowledge I currently possess. Your tip regarding the step...
Thanks. That radiator's never on, we have a wood burner that heats the house. That window is north facing, the sun never shines in so direct...
The building company who got the contract to build our whole estate about 12 years ago scrimped and saved everywhere they could. This included...
[ATTACH]Yes, my weekly water changes are done on Saturday mornings. I keep tropical. The stocking theme is an Asian community tank, all the...
I've wanted one of these guys for a long while now and finally got one today. I already have a parlour palm but that has a more short and squat...
It could have been worse, at least you didn't have to drag this lump all over. This is my aquarium![ATTACH]
I'm new around here, so I don't know Phillip, but your post is a mirror image of one I posted on another regular forum of mine a few days ago.A...
What is the recommended method of dealing with those horrible brown leaves once they wilt. I've read that some prefer to tie them up as protection...
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