At this time of the year there are a few mature sanguineum on the way to work which I admire every morning. The recommended max size of these...
This is one of mine. It wasn't doing too well a few months ago. I painstakingly nursed it back to life. At one point I nearly put it in the...
Nooooooo! Lol. Don't let the damn thing beat you. I've had my fair share of sulking prayer plants but I haven't binned any yet.My Warszewiczii...
There is absolutely nothing worse than trying to cut even slightly damp grass. And at this time of year, especially if it has been quite mild, the...
Yeah, that's my plan. I realise that shocking it won't do it any favours. The reason it was looking quite poorly was that the main stems that grew...
Hmm, not sure about that. I don't think with photinia that you need to wait till autumn to get those red leaves, any new growth seems to be...
I bought this dwarf variety of photinia last year, planted it out around early summer and it took off pretty quick, it was doing great.Fast...
Well, any youtube tutorials you watch on line all have a similar vibe, though @Michael Hewett has thrown a spanner in the care guide book!! Warm...
Yes, I've seen loads, literally hundreds. I've gained some good knowledge from them, in particular to stop using tap water, which is exactly what...
One thing that sticks out when you research the prayer plant family is that many of them can adapt to less than perfect conditions, if they remain...
I'm right with you, lol. Most plants afford you a bit of leeway. If you get it wrong a bit no harm done, they'll still be ok. But prayer plant...
I was going to start a new thread regarding this startling discovery this morning but it makes more sense to put it in this Calathea thread....
Haven't a clue what the shovel thingy is, but I must congratulate you on your choice of welly design...nice, lol.
Dandelions are my least favourite weed, but this one runs it a close second. It gets all over. And if left to it's own devices it can get to about...
Apparently, so my wife informed me, the spray bottles which hairdressers use when wetting hair prior to cutting, are far superior to your bog...
It's all rather ironic this really. I work in plastics recycling and I get various "waste" products over my desk to evaluate their suitability for...
I think this is the way forward for me, rather than try and find a long lasting misting bottle.The one I bought at the garden centre was £2.75...
Can anybody recommend a good misting bottle? For years I've always used old rinsed out kitchen and bathroom spray bottles. But I got fed up of the...
Cannabis. It's a magnet for the local constabulary!!
I heard from several sources that Calatheas were magnets for spider mites. I have about 10 and all are doing great, except one, a yellow fusion,...
Separate names with a comma.