First photos that I have posted on here, so here goes and fingers crossed![img] One of my hand-reared babies from a year or so ago when mum...
Punkey and Mabel look lovely. My piggies live in hutches but also in a shed of their own! :cool: Last Saturday I was out on a main road by...
Hello Cookie Monster ... I am new also!
Mill Hill, North West London? Not far from where I was brought up in Colindale!
JarBax ... how many frogs can get in one pond? What great photos! :cool:
Does anyone else own and love guinea pigs like I do?I have kept guinea pigs for over 15 years, bred and shown them (well my daughters did in the...
Persephoy, a blank canvas ... lovely! Do you have any photos that you can post?Which way does your garden face is important so that you get the...
Oh, I really forgot ... another herb I grow is Sage - very nice!
Xirokx, it does look as though your seedlings are struggling for light. Prick them out and plant a few in new pots and soil turning them as they...
I took up all the lawn before putting down my decking then levelled it. Then put down heavy duty fabric to stop weeds growing through and then...
I also grow herbs. Initially I made the mistake of buying lots of herbs thinking that I would use them all, but I didn't. Think seriously about...
Welcome to you The Master ... I am a newbie myself but I am looking forward to joining in as all seems very friendly and welcoming on here! [img]
I use Photobucket ... infact I am just in the process of uploading some of photos of my garden to post on here. Not sure as to the maximum number...
Many thanks for the friendly welcome!I will post some photos soon [img]
Hello allI thought I would drop in and introduce myself. I am a keen gardener, obvious really I suppose [img] My passion is garden design - I...
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