Nice work Sharon.
Sounds idyllic zoe, welcome aboard.Check my blog for info
Thanks Rydall
Are there many varieties of this ? I want to grow espalier style too so I'm watching this with interest.
Well said Pete.
Geoff,I always plant garlic twice a year, once in november and again in early spring.I always get a good crop from both plantings.The...
Geoff, It doesn't have to be a frost, just a prolonged spell of colder weather should suffice.
Jack - you are correct.However, like many I presume, I always plant sweet peas next to runner beans. I'm led to believe it helps with the...
Not sure about the technical bit shiney, I just keep picking and they just keep growing.I leave the tech stuff to the RHS!
Check it out !Managed to complete this on time for once - while Ruby still asleep!By the way, she's growing fast - 12.5 lbs already.
Thats what my blog does, and anyone can see it !Nice idea tho'.
Roxy, Planted mine in April and pulled them up when leaves started to yellow.Have been eating them / giving them away, for about 3 weeks now!...
Leaving in the ground until the frosts start is the best way to improve the flavour.Parsnips contain a large amount of starches which turn into...
You can check the RHS Website via the link on my blog, they do this weekly i think.
I would say collect as many seeds as you can, then next spring plant them with a mixture from a new pack. This way you retain the pleasant scent...
Good luck with the fight!
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