What a wondrously industrious lot you are! Here? Zilch, apart from watching the gale batter my peas, beans and marguerites etc. Same now ........
Probably going back to sleep.... yesterday was the (broadcast) funeral of the murdered Garda. Colm Horkan . and an intensely moving and emotional...
"Ah yes, I remember them well..."
After 7 am and still at it. Yaawwn
Morning all.
WOW! Maybe chest freezers are better than uprights? This one was solid ice in places. The bottom compartment especially. I finally managed to free...
Been deluging loudly for nearly two hours now. Hammering on the roof. Still windy...
Ah it is indelicate to have NAKED TOILET ROLLS! Like the Victorians who put table cloths over their pianos so their NAKED LEGS do not show!Or...
My many moves have seen my beloved gardens being left behind too often. When I left Kerry for Connemara, I "bequeathed" great pottery planters (...
Still more than breezy, and now they say it will last all night and tomorrow morning. Still, there has been heavy rain so that is one task less....
Today we have a State funeral here in Mayo; for a Garda shot dead on duty earlier this week. A shocking event, and he was known and loved hereabouts.
One iceberg to go and yes, hot water in bowls in there. Will have abandon it soon as I need to rest etc. Which is why it never gets done.
Orkney was interesting re longer/shorter days. They advertised playing golf at midnight in summer. Winter "days" were dark.Sudden very heavy...
Amen to this. I decided when I came here not to tell anyone re my own illness. Being old, using a walking stick is nearly normal!Folk seem to...
Please may I ask wisdom re the edibility of various parts of broad bean plants? One stand of mine has been felled by the current gales and...
Happy Sunday everyone. Hope it is warmer and drier than here. I may yet light the fire IN JUNE . Not the first time this month.
Ah fellow sufferers! This freezer cost E10 second hand ( or as they say here, "preloved") back in 2006. It freezes up fast. Just now all the...
Anyone want a large black and white cat? Just found Boycat atop the wardrobe, where he is not allowed to go. I did not see him get up there and...
Well no gardening today in the wind. For some strange reason I started searching the freezer, realised there were young icebergs, so today is...
Separate names with a comma.