I hope it was the poor light; as I was going up the drive in the early half light with three of my cats, I saw another cat watching us. It looked...
The verges are snowy with bramble blossom. Every year a glut! And the rose hedging is colouring with hips. Flowery fruit.
Quite nasty out there! Dark and oppressive with the sky sitting on the becalmed ocean. I did not realise, stooopid of me after 20 years in...
noseeums rife and invisible out there and my feet and legs are alive with itchy bites. So they are flying out there! Nasty wee vampire- trained...
Careful; you will have us in stitches!
Shhhh! It is so utterly deeply silent. Still, cool, and not a sound to be heard. Silence is deeper when a place has few inhabitants. A different...
Here in Ireland, they just postponed the proposed next stage in reopening. This involved pubs. That weekend when they opened in the UK a few did...
Now dash of catnip in that and my cats would have a wonderful time! And I have a bag of it here... needing using!
[ATTACH] This is/was the blauwschokker peas before the ??magpies?? stole them. They are excellent by the way; 8 really sweet peas per pod. My long...
I was reading our news here in Ireland, where the big debate just now is about people coming in as tourists from the US and there being no...
Armandi; wise, wise words. Thank you.. I am a bystander to actual mask wear as for a long while due to immune system damage, I am never near...
Brighter with a sweet wild wind and occasional splashes of energising sunshine. Love it!
As I cannot dig I grow only in containers. but rather than compost. I use hay or grass cuttings with good results. Same method; cover most of the...
Just been admiring some of mine. [ATTACH]
Feeling a little smug! And relieved. Small situations can be hard here; I am so used to doing everything myself that perforce relying on...
Ah I see! lol...I would melt to a spot of grease. A cool northern bird. me! Makes me glad I chose Ireland when I left Orkney as Portugal was on my...
Try living with a few dozen disenchanted leprechauns! The notorious " Little People" who actually have a reality in history ie Firbolgs. They...
You are all so much further ahead than here! I have been out checking any progressHere is my valiant attempt to protect my precious few peas...
Oh WOW! Love those flowers. Are they hard to grow?
Separate names with a comma.