Could well be the cold weather, but bumble bees only live for a couple of months. Our six and a half year old grand-daughter found one...
1 - Burnie - East Coast Machair- Captures the essence of early summer up here 2- Shiney - Laid Back -A creative and imaginative image which made...
Yes, as Shiney says, don't worry. Courgettes seem to get this often and it doesn't make much difference to the yield. If it's really worrying you,...
Horrible Horsefly or Cleg. [ATTACH]
Six-spotted burnet.[ATTACH]
The primary purpose is to use it for recreational communications. However licensed amateurs are also sometimes used to assist the emergency...
I've a lot of buried wire too - chicken wire under the paths, old coax round the veg beds and brazing wire sliced into a couple of lawns.
Try worm composting. We've two dalek type bins (now worm bins) that take just about all of our kitchen waste, shredded paper and card plus the odd...
I used Westland Plant Rescue to get rid of scab on an apple tree and I think it would work on rust. I've a suspicion it's on the 'withdrawn list'...
Hex - I seem to recollect reading about someone tuning up a tram. Easy enough to match just about anything with an appropriate ATU, but how well...
Hazy Sun - Lazy Day Ahead[ATTACH]
Got em! VR6TC (Tom Christian) on 10/9/98 on 20m SSB and R0MIR on 22/2/97 on 144 MHz. The latter took a couple of days of trying, but I managed...
What a coincidence, I found 10m open this evening - quite rare now! One Watt NY to JA is pretty good going. My best recently was 200 mW to VE....
Had my class A since the early 1990s. Yes it does take a bit of an effort to get a license though I think it's perhaps a bit too easy and quick...
David, the thing about the 'current month' rule is that it does add a bit of an extra challenge. I've not entered a photo for several months, but...
Loch Eilt [ATTACH]
"Cold and Wet" - just about sums up the situation here.[ATTACH]
Quite by chance I'd my new little Sony in the car when we drove from the village yesterday and spotted this herd. Nothing unusual in seeing deer...
Brilliant idea with the 4 candle Zigs. I chucked an old shovel in the bin today - it's coming out of the bin tomorrow !
Have to agree. I moved to SSD two years ago on my main Windows PC. Quieter, cooler, much faster and less liable to mechanical faults
Separate names with a comma.