Yes, no reduced seeds in my local one either. Oh well, hopefully they'll come down soon.
Hello,Your exotic beastie is a datura. They are grown in gardens here, but in warmer countries they are a weed. Be aware that the plants are...
Were the own brand metal arches and obelisks always £4? I don't think the arches are sufficiently sturdy but have bought 2 obelisks.
Any chance of having a good old tomato seed swap? There are some very interesting varieties on this thread I'd like to get my mitts on. I've got...
Yup, same here at my local store.
Currently eating insata caprese using peel black trifele tomatoes and the rubbishy basil I had in the tomato pots. Yum.
@Verdun I think you're done for because the blight will already be inside your tomato fruit. I know I've stripped all the fruit off in previous...
I got some cheap black plastic pots of assorted sizes and a couple of metal obelisks, which were I think 75% off, but they had the reduced price...
Yes, agree with @noisette47 The Americans refer to a completely different species as pawpaw, which is what they say for 'papaya'. Their native...
I scold myself each year for trying to grow (salad) potatoes in a bag. Way too much compost and watering required for so little yield. I agree...
Yes, papaya is a short-lived tropical plant that grows like a tree. I've never seen one living outside all year in the UK and I reckon it won't...
Dessicator?I give away my spares and 'buy' lots of friends that way! Especially as you've got a glut early in the season. It comes in handy when...
Nothing much in my local 2 Wilkos :(
They are not super-common and I reckon you'd have to be on the lookout for unusual plants to spot one.
Yes, I agree, a Prunus of some sort. Sloe is Prunus spinosa, which is in that genus. These plants tend to sucker and sloe also reproduces by seed.
Large-flowered hemp-nettle (Galeopsis speciosa). It's a native annual in the dead-nettle family (Lamiaceae).
Grrr, the blackbirds helped themselves to my first truss of ripening black Russians. I've rescued the one they left (the smallest!) and also a...
I just bought myself a Black and Bloom Salvia from Hampton Court FS. Had a look at the Dyson's Salvia stand that was featured on telly last night...
Lucerne and the second one is like Salvia armistad. But definitely a Salvia.
I've got my first Bloody Butcher just ripe now and Black Trifele starting to turn yellow in the (unheated, shaded) GH.
Separate names with a comma.