Ah thank you @pete that's just answered my next question, just been out to the greenhouse and that was has closed up and another one has started...
@pete Your neighbour sounds as very adventurous...so do I need to pull that flower off or wait and see? Sorry for all the questions
First flower has opened, does this shine any light on what it is :rolleyespink::scratch:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
@shiney it doesn't matter if it was 'only' two phone calls as you say, it is the fact that you came forward in someones time of need to offer...
Hiya @HughesG86 welcome to the forums
@shiney so sorry to hear your friends have had to go through that and have the added upset with the hospital staff, I know it must be so stressful...
Only just stopped raining, the wind was shocking during the night, and now the sun is just peeking out, but still quite windy
I can understand that in mine and hubby's family I'm the only woman who does it Haha but I refuse to count on a man to do something I can do hahaha
Thank you @Logan ...I love it, always was a tomboy tinkering about with father under his car bonnet etc, but got my own place at 17 so learnt DIY...
Please excuse the mess (and the ill fitting worktop near microwave we fit a new corner unit yesterday to replace a 800mm base unit so until we fit...
@Logan what beautiful photos, that sky is stunning
Suns not even up yet, hoping it isnt as hot as yesterday because fitting a kitchen in the heat was horrid, starting now before it gets too hot :cool:
Hiya ash welcome to the forum
@pete still a young un yourself too :)
Hahaha ....I am 52 I really am too young to remember them
[MEDIA]For @pete
Hiya pete, whatever my cousin played my humming tune into it came up with the gracie fields one and this one, could it be this one you know? Sorry...
Hahaha @shiney credit where it is due my friend even if it does cause you problems hahah
@Logan thank you so much
Thank you so much @Logan and I'm sorry to hear about yours and your hubby's mums too. No one was with my mum. When she actually passed bless her...
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