hi lelly im a newbie gardener aswell [img] id say just stick them in a pot with some compost and see what happens you never no what might...
just tryed to put peppers in the airing cuboard fell up the stairs [img] soil and compost everywhere mrs gone mad [img] end of pepper...
i went over the bank holiday stayed in perranporth must have spent 4 or 5 hours walking around brillant place [img] loved the jungle dome well...
ive planted leeks carrots cabbage parsnips beetroot radish lettuce turnip beans onions alsorts ive just put a load in and see what happens ;)
how much do you water a vegatable patch ive sown some seeds last weekend and give them a good watering, but nothing since then i dont want to over...
oh thats alright then me backs killing picking them up never ending ill chuck a few back in lol :D
i have built a raised bed do i need to take out all the stones or will it be ok to have some in there and how long after digging can i start...
they have been in a propagater in my outhouse quite warm in there i did mix the compost with some soil when i was sowing them would that of made...
yes i have on of those in the front garden thought there might be other ones but looks like there hard to get hold of thanks for reply
is it true by planting carrot seeds 300mm above the ground will stop carrot fly, and what soil would be best to grow them in.
i sowed some pepper seeds about 6 weeks ago indoors but still no shoots coming out anybody know why not sure if its the temperature or they are no...
i love the stream love to have on in my garden [img] well smart are there any fish in it??
well i think the mesh has worked no poop for 2 days [img] so hopefullly thats done the trick :D
im putting a clematis in the ground to cover my back fence. which fastgrowing evergreen clematis would be best suited for this??.
yes its been stuck in the kitchen window since ive had it, but i only water when the soil is dryed out.i have put it outside now so hopefully it...
thanks for the replys ive put some rabbit mesh over the pots now i think this will work hopefully.
ive had this bonzai tree for about 3 years was doing well but all the leaves have dropped off some new ones where growing but are starting to die...
hello paldin good idea ive got some rabbit wire left over from a chicken coop project i never finished.yes unfortunatly now the nice weather is...
i have sowed some parsnips beetroot and some radish they have started to grow in a big pot trouble is next doors cat keeps pooping in the pot ive...
hi i have just brought a clematis armandii and knocked the top off when planting it, it still has side shoots will it be ok or have i killed it???
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